Kingdom Kids

Jesus Said, "Let the little Children come to me, and do not forbid them; for such is the Kingdom of heaven" (Matthew19:14). Children matter to God and they matter to us. Bring your kids to church Sunday's at 11am and Wednesday at 7pm. We have teachers and volunteers dedicated to raise disciples of Jesus through prepared lessons and fun activities.


Student Ministries

The Bible tells us that our sons and daughters will prophesy and the young will see visions. We understand that our youth are not the church of the future, but that they are the church right now. Middle and high school students are welcome to join Chosen Generation every Wednesday at 7:00pm for fellowship and fun with youth Pastors Joe & Amy Singleton.


College & Career

Our College and Career ministry helps young adults establish and realize the importance of consistent relationship with Jesus Christ.  We want to equip them and encourage them through our weekly class every Wednesday at 7pm.  As college students and young professional's, it's vitally important that they establish good relationships with other believer's; we do this by planning various activities for the college/career group.

College/Career is for ages:18 - 23 years old. 

Open Arms Ministries

Matthew 25:40

...When you have done it to the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me. Through out the year we go downtown to Detroit to minister to those that are less fortunate.  We provide food, water, clothes, coats, hats, gloves, socks and personal hygiene kits. Most importantly we share the love of Christ. 

E.M.B.E.R. Ministry

E.M.B.E.R. Stands for "Empowering Marriages By Enrichment and Recreation."  We welcome all married, engaged, and dating couples to come and fellowship with us  at our Events.  


Single Adult Ministry

If you are widowed, divorced or never been married this ministry is for you. Our single adult's meet once a month for various activities that promote fellowship and provide encouragement and support for one another.  

Nursery Ministry

Then they also brought infants to Him (Jesus) that he might touch them. Luke 18:15.    We realize the importantance of parents knowing that their child is safe and well cared for, we have caregivers who are experienced and are filled with love for babies. Our nursery is available for newborn to 1 year and 11mos. old every Sunday and Wednesday. 

Kingdom Women

Our Women's Ministry is designed to equip and encourage women to become Kingdom women.  We are buidling lasting relationships with one another but most importantly with Christ.  Throught out the year we have different activities that promote fellowship.

Kingdom Men

The purpose of Kingdom Men is gather and train men to Seek first the Kingdom of God. Our goal is that Kingdom men are men who want to see God's Kingdom come and His will be done in every area of life. 

Kingdom Men plan various activities. All men are wlecome. 

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